August 27, 2019

Agent Insights Ep 18: What To Do If You Get Scammed

Hey all! Blue here with todays Agent Insights!

Today, I will tell you what to do if you get scammed, whether its from a trust trade or any other type of  AJ scam out there.

Firstly, you should never, ever do trust trades with anyone, even your best friend. Almost always, they will end out in scams. Also, AJHQ will not refund your items, which brings me to my second point. 

Many of us in AJ's community know what its like to be scammed, myself included. That is why I joined SASS. However, if you get trust trade scammed, AJHQ will not return your items, saying it was the "Jammers choice" and that they should have been smarter. So, don't do trust trades!

There are many other scams out there, from things like "gift me and i'll gift back", "can I just try them on?", and many more. AJHQ will give you your items back if you message them for some of these cases. Getting hacked is an example of that.

If you got scammed, make sure you report the scammer and go to AJHQ's help page. Send them a message about the scam and what you were scammed, including the date. As long as it wasn't a trust trade, they will help you as best as they can.

Thats all from me, 
stay safe, jam on!

August 21, 2019

Agent Insights Ep 17: Why is it Important to Catch Scammers?

Hey all! Jade here, with the latest Agent Insights post. Today we’ll be talking about why it’s important to catch scammers. 

Now, I think a lot of people have a similar mindset, one that can even lead to them becoming scammers: They’re just pixels, so why does it matter? It’s not like it’s actually stealing in real life, so it’s not actually hurting anybody. 

I do agree with part of that statement- It shouldn’t matter. They’re just pixels. But, that still doesn’t mean that it doesn’t matter! Just because you didn’t steal anything in real life doesn’t mean that you aren’t hurting someone emotionally. Besides, the majority of Animal Jam’s users are in a much younger age group, which means anything along the lines of scamming will affect them much more than older individuals. 

Along with the fact that you are hurting someone, just not physically, Animal Jam scamming also normalizes bad behaviors in real life. If someone scams on Animal Jam and faces no consequences for it, they may be led to believe that they can do the same thing and other similar behaviors in real life and not get in trouble, which is evidently a very bad mindset. 

For these reasons, we need to keep putting an effort into stopping scammers on Animal Jam. Pixels may not matter to some, but they matter to others. Watch out for those who might get hurt, and help stop those who would try to hurt them. And as always, stay safe out there, Jammers!

August 17, 2019

Random Saturday Ep 26: Moku'ahi

What's up everyone! Today, I present to you another episode of Random Saturdays. Without further ado, let's go!

Today, I will be talking about the new Island in AJPW, Moku'ahi. Moku'ahi is a tropical island with a large volcano in the middle of it. While the land is available to all Jammers, the items buyable are....not quite. Moku'ahi is almost like "Members Island", because all the items there are for members only.

I was personally quite saddened by this discovery, because this is a huge distinction between members and non-members of AJPW. In thr old days, the fact that there was hardly any distinction between members and non-members was a huge pull factor. Now with Moku'ahi, I hope that the AJPW community doesn't become as toxic as the member non-member divide in AJPC was.

On a better note, Moku'ahi also houses Leilani, who will offer to trade her rare items for our regular items. However she doesn't appear everyday. She only occasionally appears on Moku'ahi to do trading.

Finally, since Moku'ahi is an island with a giant volcano in the middle of it, camera angles can be quitr bad for those who have motion sickness. The screen is constantly spinning around when we navigate the island, that it can be dizzying for some.

Well, that's my review of Moku'ahi, until next post!

August 13, 2019

Agent Insights Ep 16: Scam Giveaways

Hello, everyone. Flint here. For today’s agent insights, I’m going to talk about scam giveaways. 

There are many types of scam giveaway, but if you want an easy way to tell if a giveaway is a scam or not, ALL giveaways which involve giving the host anything are scams. Even if they promise to give it back, it is a scam. What's the point of giving something away if you want items for it? Now, on to the specific types. 

Some giveaways utilize trust trading. The best trust trade wins, in these. Sometimes they say they’ll accept the trade and give it back, some say they’ll go to the last verification screen before declining. This is always a scam. If they don’t run off with your item, they’re likely waiting for a better item. 

Some giveaways have a best-gift-wins system, where whoever gifts them the best item wins the giveaway. Some say they’ll gift back people’s items. This is a scam, they will run off with everyone’s items. 

Some giveaways will say that whoever trades them the best thing, wins. This is indirect trading, but in a giveaway. It is a scam.

Sometimes, scammers will say that they are doing a wheel giveaway, which is not a scam. They will then say that you must pay for spots on the wheel. This is a scam. The item is going to go to their ally/alt. 

There are some items which, when featured in a giveaway, mean it is a scam. These items include memberships and accounts. These are probably deserving of their own post, but just know that these are scams.

Sometimes, you will see a couple jammers in the den of a scam giveaway advocating for it and not getting scammed. These are likely alternate accounts or allies of the scammer.

There are several legitimate ways of doing a giveaway. These include legit wheels, first-to-say/JAG, first-to-do-something (e.g. Run to a pillow), and simply choosing a random person in Jamaa Township and giving them the item.

This is all. Bye!

August 05, 2019

Agent Insights Ep 15: Birthday Scam?

What's up guys! I'm here with another Agent Insights! Today, I will be discussing about whether I think the "It's my birthday, gift me" is a scam.

Well, first things first. Scams are called scams because you give away your items without knowing that you won't be getting them back. Take best trade wins for example. The scammer usually claims to return your items after you trade them. However, they will likely run away with your items after they have found a satisfactory item.

Therefore, is the "It's my birthday" a true scam? I do not really think so. I am not saying that there could still be deception at play, because they could be lying about their birthday to be gifted stuff. However, the difference is that you know you are giving your items away and you know that you won't be getting them back. Thus, it is a little different from a true scam, as explained in the above paragraph.

That's all from me today, until next post!

August 01, 2019

Monthly Update - July

Hey all! Jade here with this month's update post. 

Firstly, though Omega Tiger was removed from the society due to lack of activity, they have now rejoined.

Gamma Marshmellow recently passed training and will now be participating in posting. Omega Catlover was close to passing as well, but recently left our Discord server and will therefore be removed from the society.

For the upcoming month, we've increased the amount of posting so that Agent Insights and Random Saturdays will take place every week instead of every other week.

Finally, we have started having contests in the discord server. If you want to join in, just enter the server and express your interest when the next contest is announced.

That's all the news for now! Jam on!