November 07, 2018

Random Tuesday Ep 09: The Phantom Dimension

Disclaimer: Random Tuesdays have been discontinued and merged with Random Saturdays.

What's up guys, it's me again with another episode of Random Tuesdays. Today, I'm going to talk about the new phantom dimension in AJPW, how to get in, and what you can do in there. Warning: there is a short rant near the end of this post. If you don't want to read the rant, I highly suggest you click that back button when you see the disclaimer message lower down.

Ok, on to the topic. So, recently, a strange portal appeared in the lost temple of zios in AJPW. Apparently, it was "under construction" during the night of the phantoms period. It officially opened just for 5 minutes on 3 Nov, 2100 EST. Once the 5 minutes was up, the portal became locked.

So where did the portal lead you if you managed to get in during the 5-minute period? It lead you to the phantom dimension, where phantoms live. The phantom dimension is basically A twosted version of Jamaa, with everything phantomised and corrupted. Going through the portal, you would appear in the lost temple of zios of the phantom dimension. In the land, there is a single paintseed tree, from which you can harvest paintseeds. Paintseeds there spawn only once a day though.

So what can we do with the paintseeds? Well, the phantom dimension has plenty of phantoms. You can use your paintseeds to battle them. When you are near a phantom, a sword symbol will appear with a timer. When the red ring becomes complete, you will automatically engage the phantom. Otherwise, you can tap the sword symbol to skip the wait. To defeat a phantom, you need to tap specific rings in time. The closer the ring shrinks to the centre, the more phantom coins you earn. You defeat the phantom by successfully tapping all rings.

Wait! What are phantom coins? Phantom coins are currency you spend in the phantom dimension. There is a phantom salesman in the lost temple of zios that sells stuff you can buy with phantom coins.

Now, after the 5 minutes of the portal was up, it became locked. You needed to perform some sort of code to open it up again. For those Jammers who need that code, don't fret. I'll give you a step-by-step guide to open the portal again. First, you need to put on the whole, full, phantom flight suit. If not, the portal will not open. Then, you need to use the 'cry' emote from the emote section. When you do so, a green light will appear. That's a sign that you are doing something right! The next part of the code is to sit. After you sit, another green light will appear. Soon after, the phantom eye at the portal will turn blue and scan you. If you have the full flight suit on, the scan should be successful and the blue phantom eye should turn green. After that , use the ninja emote from the emote section, and you get another green light. Finally, say "Open sesame!" from bubble chat. It can be found under "meetings". If you try saying open sesame from regular chat, that won't work and you have to restart all over again. Once you get 4 green lights and 1 green phantom eye, the portal should open for you.

All right, that's all from me now. Have a jamtastic day!

DISCLAIMER: The rant starts from this disclaimer onwards. Click the back button now if you don't want to see it.

Why AHJQ why? Just a few random days ago, I said something along the lines of "AJPW is less dark than AJ". Why AJHQ why? Why must you darken the whole atmosphere of AJPW? Sure, the concept if a new dimension amd everything is great, but why must you make it so dark and spooky? With that change, AJPW is no longer less dark than AJ. Now, it is either as dark, or even darker. AJHQ, please. While it is an interesting concept, I'm sure there are other ways to present it! Ok, I'm done.

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