June 23, 2021

Agent Insights Ep 68: Bot Raids

 Hello, everyone. Flint here to cover a topic that you've likely heard about if you've played Animal Jam recently.

Lately, there have been bot raids occurring, mostly on AJPC. What happens is, mass amounts of AI-controlled accounts appear in Jamaa, spamming certain text phrases and doing things they aren't supposed to be doing. For instance, they'll teleport, flash colors, constantly change their handheld item icons, and be flying without a flying animal. They aren't on AJ all the time, but bot raids happen frequently.

These bots fill up servers and cause large amounts of lag. For some players, they can't even log in during a raid due to the lag and the servers being full. Even if you can get in, you'll see these bots everywhere in public areas and will likely still experience lag.

Another thing these bots are known for is spamming. Besides spamming certain phrases in chat, they also spam buddy requests, JAGs, and game invites. If they're spamming you in these ways, it's very hard to get out of the situation long enough to disable your buddy requests/JAGs/etc. The best thing to do if you're being spammed is just to log off or sit there until the bot raid is over. If you aren't currently being spammed, I'd recommend turning off JAGs, buddy requests, and game requests for the time being.

As far as I know, the bots aren't hacking people's accounts. Some of them might be cracked accounts, but as of now the only thing that's coming of the raids is a lot of lag and annoyed players. Be cautious, but don't worry unnecessarily.

One other thing to note is that a way AJ has tried to combat these bots is by banning anyone who says the phrases they spam. The bots get around this by saying other things, but you shouldn't try to say phrases that the bots are spamming.

That's all for now. If anything major changes regarding the bot raids, we'll likely post again, but for now, that's all we have to say on the matter.

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