November 12, 2019

Agent Insights Ep 23: Cross-Platform Trading

What's up everyone! Today, I bring to you your next installment of Agent Insights! Today's topic is cross-platform trading, also known as cross-trading.

So, first things first. What is cross-trading? Well, it could be seen as a form of trust trading (because there is a certain level of trust involved) across platforms. Say if you are rare on AJPC but not on AJPW. Say there is another jammer who is rare on AJPW but not on AJPC. Therefore, you two struck a deal for you to trade them a good rare for a typically bad item in AJPC, and they will do the same in AJPW.

Now, however, this system has a huge loophole. After you trade them a good item for a bad item on AJPC, they may not keep their side of the deal and not turn up on AJPW. If that happens, then, it's a scam.

Now, I understand that different people are rare on different platforms and both are run by AJHQ/WildWorks. With Feral coming up, I can see how cross-trading can become more and more common. Therefore, AJHQ, if you are reading this, I have an idea.

There could be a "holding system" in which the trade will not fully go through until the itens have been given. So, there could be an option to indicate that this trade will be completed in AJPC/AJPW. Then, both items will be taken from you and the other jammed, placing them in a cloud system. If the other jammer doesn't trade yoi the items on AJPW within a certain time limit, you get your items back from the cloud. You are able to view the trade from the cloud option, and the time remaining.

Well, that's all from me now. Till next post!

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