June 05, 2019

Agent Insights Ep 13: Scamming a Scammer?

Hey all, Jade here with your Agent Insights! Today, I'll be talking about whether or not it's moral to scam a scammer.

Sometimes, if a Jammer or someone they know got scammed, the Jammer will follow the scammer around and try to get the items back, sometimes through scamming the items back. They might pretend that they're a scammer as well, they might pretend they want to play trust, they could use many other methods of tricking the scammer. But is it moral to scam someone if they scammed you first?

Short answer: No.

If you've ever heard of the Golden Rule, you know that it says "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." So, if someone punches you, you shouldn't punch them back! Keep calm and don't instigate more violence. Even though scamming is online and not in real life, the same principle applies. If someone scams you, don't scam them back! Keep calm, ask for your items back, but if they don't give them back, then report and block them and just leave. If you scam them back, even though they scammed you first, you're becoming just as bad as them. 

So, in conclusion, don't scam! Even if you want to scam someone who scammed you or someone you know first, don't do it, just report and block them. Thanks for reading this episode of Agent Insights! Stay safe out there, Jammers.

1 comment:

  1. I actually like the point your making here. I always like to read the Agent Insights, so I could say the same for all of them X3 -Djluniexstar


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