April 29, 2019

Monthly Update - April

What's up everyone! It's me with your monthly update for April! Without further ado, let's go!

April was a rather quiet month for the society. We didn't have much changes going on. However, we did manage to hit our posting quota for the month!

Next, we're sad to say goodbye to Omega Shybun. Good luck in your future endeavours!

Also, we've decided to adjusting our posting dates and times to the GMT time, rather than the EST time that we used to use. For example, our Random Saturdays will be posted on Saturday GMT rather than Saturday EST.

That leads to the Dyno bot in our discord server. It has been renamed "Mira", and it can display the current time in GMT with the command ?time.

Finally, there was a small addition to the application form. Though it will not affect your chances of being accepted into the society, we'd like to know if you are active in AJ, PW, or bith, so we can get a rough estimate of AJ scammer posts and PW scammer posts.

That's it for this update! Stay safe, and Jam On!

April 28, 2019

Random Saturday Ep 19: Royal Red Pandas

Hey all, Jade here with the latest Random Saturday!! Today I'll be talking about the latest animal introduced to Animal Jam- the Royal Red Panda.

These animals have a lovely design, in my opinion! They're probably my favorite of the recent new animals. For your enjoyment, I've made a few GIFs of their animations! Click read more if you want to see them!

Here's their regular standing animation!

Their playing animation! Look at that happy little bounce!

Their hopping animation!

Their sleeping animation!

And finally, their dancing animation!!

Really, these red pandas are just the cutest things. Their patterns are beautiful, their animations are very well done, and their design is just overall great!! 

Well, that's all for today, folks! How do you feel about these new additions to the lineup of Animal Jam animals? Feel free to leave a thought about them in the comments section below!

April 16, 2019

Agent Insights Ep 10: Scammer Reformation

What's up everyone! It's me with an actual regular post this time! Ok, so, in today's Agent Insights, I'm going to share why I feel that scammers can reform, the challenges involved and how they can start.

Ok, so we know scamming is bad. Some scammers may not know that what they were doing could hurt other's feelings. However, once they realise it, they may think twice again about scamming. In this case, the scammers have potential to reform and correct their own wrongdoings. Scammers are people after all, and people can be taught to distinguish right from wrong.

Now, the path may or may not be smooth for scammers who want to reform. In good cases, their friends will accept them as friends again, and forgive their past misdeeds. However, in harder cases, there may be prejudice against the scammer, especially if other people remember their username. They may be shunned by old buddies, and people around. This, will be much harder case to overcome.

Now, how can scammers overcome the difficulties to reform? I have a few suggestions on how to get started. First, they got to let go of their greed. I believe that many scammers are driven by their greed for more rares. On the road to reformation, they need to let go of it so it doesn't come back. Learn to be content with what you have. Next, do good. Gift people on AJ if you're a member. Trade people good stuff. Drop sapphires in AJPW. There are many ways to show that you can do good to the community! Finally, don't ever think about scamming again. If you managed to re-earn other Jammer's trust, I don't suggest that you lose it again by going back to scamming. The more trust you lose, the harder it can be to overcome scammer prejudice.

With that said, it's not impossible to reform. You scammers out there who are reading this, I highly encourage you all to think about your actions, and do your best to reform. It's not impossible.

That's all from me. Till next time!

April 13, 2019

Random Saturday Ep 18: Referrals

Hey everyone! Blue here with the newest Random Saturday, and today I will be talking about AJPC's referral feature.

Image result for animal jam referral link

To get your referral link, you open your buddy page and click the invite a friend button underneath the dropbox.
 Image result for animal jam referral link
There are 4 stages to the referral, and this is when it gets interesting. The first stage, when someone makes a new account via your referral, you get 1,500 gems, which isn't too exciting. However, if someone you referred gets membership, you move on to the second stage, and as well as the 1,500 gems you get a week of membership added to your account and 15 diamonds. If 3 people you referred get membership, you move on to the third stage, where you get 25 diamonds, one month membership and the exclusive Epic Feathered Armour set!!

Image result for feather armour aj

If 5 people you referred get membership, you move on to the fourth and last stage, where you get one month membership, 50 diamonds, and the legendary eagle.

Image result for legendary eagle aj

This eagle is customisable with 4 different patterns in many different colors, and people on this stage can make as many of them as they like! however it is super hard to get this far unless you buy membership on your spares, a sign of true dedication to animal jam.

That's all from me today!
Stay safe, jam on!

April 03, 2019

Agent Insights Ep 09: Purpose of Agencies

Hello, Flint here, and today I’ll be talking about the purpose of scam catcher agencies.

Scam catcher agencies are groups like this one, whose purpose is to seek out scammers and post about them. Many also do things like list types of scams and promote community involvement.

Some of these sites may seem useless. We can’t possibly warn of every scammer out there, the ones we do post about probably won’t be banned, and much of the times these sites are inactive.

However, these sorts of things can help people recognize scams when they see them, and help them avoid getting scammed. Posting about the scams and scammers we see can enlighten people as to what they are doing, and any new or previously unknown methods they may not have seen.

Also, agencies often cover things like hacking. Reading the sites/watching the channels of agencies can help people discover how to avoid getting hacked, among other things.


April 02, 2019

Monthly Update - March

Hey all, here’s your update post for March!


First of all, we’ve added a roleplaying channel to our Discord! If you’re interested, you can join through the link in the blog sidebar!

We’ve also been working on updating the Dyno bot commands to better assist with moderation.

The prosecutor and lawyer roles were also removed from court for promotion cases only. They are still used for demotion and otherwise.

We also like to extend a warm welcome to our newest Omega, Onega Shybun! Welcome to the team!

Finally, we’ve had two promotions! Omega Tiger was promoted to Gamma Tiger, and Gamma Jade was promoted to Sigma Jade!


Hope you all have enjoyed your month with us! Stay safe and jam on!!