
October 31, 2020

Halloween Hack Update

Howdy all, this is a short follow-up to the Agent Insights that we published earlier in the week. As you may have heard by now, there have been rumors flying around about the game being "hacked" on Halloween and because of that, you should not log on to the game on October 31st.

We are pleased to let you all know that earlier, "AstroSquad", the "hacking" group linked to the rumors about the game being hacked, posted a video admitting that the whole thing was a load of malarkey. There is no "Halloween Hack", your account is perfectly safe, there is no need to refrain from logging into Animal Jam today.

In the future, you should always take these kinds of rumors with a generous pinch of salt. You shouldn't be spreading around gossip that has no basis in the truth, you are just going to cause panic.

Have a happy and safe Halloween!

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