
August 13, 2019

Agent Insights Ep 16: Scam Giveaways

Hello, everyone. Flint here. For today’s agent insights, I’m going to talk about scam giveaways. 

There are many types of scam giveaway, but if you want an easy way to tell if a giveaway is a scam or not, ALL giveaways which involve giving the host anything are scams. Even if they promise to give it back, it is a scam. What's the point of giving something away if you want items for it? Now, on to the specific types. 

Some giveaways utilize trust trading. The best trust trade wins, in these. Sometimes they say they’ll accept the trade and give it back, some say they’ll go to the last verification screen before declining. This is always a scam. If they don’t run off with your item, they’re likely waiting for a better item. 

Some giveaways have a best-gift-wins system, where whoever gifts them the best item wins the giveaway. Some say they’ll gift back people’s items. This is a scam, they will run off with everyone’s items. 

Some giveaways will say that whoever trades them the best thing, wins. This is indirect trading, but in a giveaway. It is a scam.

Sometimes, scammers will say that they are doing a wheel giveaway, which is not a scam. They will then say that you must pay for spots on the wheel. This is a scam. The item is going to go to their ally/alt. 

There are some items which, when featured in a giveaway, mean it is a scam. These items include memberships and accounts. These are probably deserving of their own post, but just know that these are scams.

Sometimes, you will see a couple jammers in the den of a scam giveaway advocating for it and not getting scammed. These are likely alternate accounts or allies of the scammer.

There are several legitimate ways of doing a giveaway. These include legit wheels, first-to-say/JAG, first-to-do-something (e.g. Run to a pillow), and simply choosing a random person in Jamaa Township and giving them the item.

This is all. Bye!

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